Contact and 


Contact Me 

Welcome! If you are interested in hiring me for an event please text/call ‪(832) 263-2606 or email at You can also message me on facebook at

If you call me and I am unable to answer, please leave a message or text  as I get lots of spam calls and this helps me know what missed calls to respond to. I will get back to you quickest through text, however all of the above listed methods of contact are acceptable and I will get back to you as quickly as possible.  

Once I have responded saying that I am available for your event I will send you a form to fill out.  Your event will be booked once I have received this form along with the deposit from you. Please see the "Event Policies and Contract" tab if you'd like to see a copy of this form, it answers frequently asked questions. 


I am available 7 days a week, and just about any time of day as long as I have enough notice so that I can set up child care. 

Thank you!